Mega Man Evolution

Mega Man Evolution 1.4

Image Mega Man Evolution 1.4
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Total votes: 0 votes
  • Developer:

    Perineum Entertainment

  • OS:

    Windows ME

  • License:


  • Updated:

    January 31, 2022

  • "A platform game based on MegaMan"

Mega Man Evolution is a remake made by a fan of this popular Capcom game in which he pays tribute and the truth is that it brings back many good memories.

If you have never played Megaman you should know that it is a platform game, classic of the 90's, in fact it was released in the late eighties. So it's easy that you have never played in its original version but surely you have done it in one of the different versions that have released the developers of Capcom for different consoles or in some version for PC. If not, we recommend you download this game and see what Megaman was like at the time.